Sunday, January 13, 2008

Not a drop

Still not much news happening.  My burn is still healing up; it's pretty much past the point of being painful, but it's now falling off me, so I'm keeping it low key for social reasons.  Two things I noticed today; one, it hasn't rained a drop since I got here just over a week ago, and two, they have St. John's Ambulance here, which certainly surprised me.  In the next few days I hope to hit up the Botanical Gardens in Hagley Park and possibly head over to Akaroa for a day or two.  

*I've spoken too soon, not ten minutes after posting this it started to rain.  Also, I just ate my first Kiwi kiwi.*

I'm quite stoked to go riding soon.  There are tons of little nib-jib street spots around, which are my favorite.  Eventually I'll try to collect pics of the best riding spots, just for the bmx readers of the blog.  I'm certainly stoked to ride Washington skate park, which is not far from my place.
On a completely random note, I've been watching quite a few movies in the last few days because of my nasty sun reaction.  Today I noticed that the seagulls here closely resemble, in both appearance and behavior, the seagulls from the movie "Finding Nemo".  Also, I finally got around to watching "Notes on a Scandal" and was extremely pleased by it.  It was strange/disturbing at points, but a great film nonetheless.  Lastly, "Philadelphia" was a great watch and it re-enforced my positive opinion of Tom Hanks as an actor.
That's all for now folks, I hope that things (my experiences>this blog) pick up in the next few days as I become fit for life once again.  I bid you all adieu!

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