Friday, December 11, 2009


Just touched down in Helsinki after a long trans-Atlantic flight (which went right over Charlottetown, actually). When we landed at 9am the sun still wasn't up - I never normally think of the Scandinavian countries being that far north. I now have about 6 hours to kill in the Helsinki airport, most of which I hope to spend sleeping. I suck at sleeping on planes, so I only got about 45 minutes of shut-eye last night. One more flight to Bangkok!


In the itty bitty Halifax airport, free wireless. In the mighty JFK, shitty wireless that costs $5 an hour. Time to man up NYC.

Let's get this on the go again

I don't understand how a plane can take off in high winds and nearly whiteout conditions, but according to the screen in front of me, my flight to NYC will be leaving on time. I had a decent nap on the shuttle drive to Halifax, which was nice. I'm not looking forward to having to sleep on planes and airport floors until Sunday, but it's all part of the traveling experience. I am, however, thoroughly looking forward to to next time I go outside, as it was -6c when I walked into the Halifax Airport, and when I walk out of the airport in Bangkok, it's going to be 30c+.

I couldn't find my uber cheap Old Navy flip flops this morning during a last minute packing spree, but I'm sure I'll be able to buy a pair on Khao San Road for something like 50 cents CAD.

I was looking at my flight path, and it looks like I'll be flying quite close to Mt. Everest, which is pretty cool. I doubt I'll be able to see much, but it's something to brag about nonetheless.

Well, I'll be boarding in a few minutes, so tata for now.