Thursday, August 6, 2009

Turn the volume up to 11

I'm listening to some Death From Above, and I'm bringing this bitch back to life, for real.

I totally slacked off while I was in Dawson, but now that I'm home, I need somewhere to shove my thoughts/feelings/rage... so this will be it. And no more pussy-footing around what I'm really trying to say - don't like it, go fuck yourself - this is who I am.

I'm going to start right now by pointing out the pointlessness of life. This isn't meant to be bleak at all, just necessary to understanding life as a whole. My life doesn't matter, your life doesn't matter (it's true, and I make no apologies for saying it), even life on a biological scale doesn't matter. I'm not entirely sure where the values attached to everything came from, but me thinks the concept of god would have a fair bit of influence (I don't capitalize the g in god - don't like it? Suck it). Value is a human convention, but must transcend humans if value is to remain without human existence. How will I go about explaining this... Alright, I don't matter because you don't matter, you don't matter because no human matters, and how can this audacious statement be true? Well how can it not be true? Why do people matter? If all humans dropped dead in 5 minutes, it wouldn't matter, period. There would be no one around to miss us, which is really one of the few things that attaches value to anything. Even when a single human dies, the only way it 'matters' is that (generally speaking) people will miss said person. But that's it, other than the minor emotions of people, no one's death really 'matters' or effects the world.

I'm going to take this a bit further to piss off the hippies - it wouldn't matter if all life on earth went extinct. Why would it matter? A few billion years ago there was no life at all on earth - not so much as a micro organism. It wouldn't even be a set-back if all life was abolished, it would simply be a change (progress and set-backs are just labels made up by humans, and they really only apply to things like construction, definitely not the natural world). To take this to the enth degree, it wouldn't matter if the entire universe collapsed, and there was literally nothing left.

Nothing really matters - people die, and they rot, some people will probably miss then, but even so, things move on. Things would move on just fine without humans, or life on earth or without the universe as a whole (though here we'd be forced into a debate on whether 'nothing' can 'move on' - maybe just a poor choice of terms. Enjoy your life - do with it whatever YOU want, because in a universe in which nothing matters, the only thing that can have value is what we apply value to. So find what you love, and who you love, and value them - just don't forget, that in the end, it's all null
Regardless, none of this is meant to be disheartening, it's meant to be enlightening and freeing