Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Addicting" isn't a word

A few random happenings to report.  I went to the movies and it turns out they have assigned seating in their theatres; very strange.  Completely unrelated, I found a bigger/more North American grocery store today.  They still lack somewhat in variety, but it will have to do.  At said grocery store I was able to locate TimTams, a favorite cookie (biscuit) of the Kiwis/Aussies; I must say, they are delicious.  I feel like I had/have more to report, but nothing is coming to mind at the moment...  Anyway, if I think of anything else I'll just edit the post.

How could I have forgotten!  I went to an aquarium to see Kiwi birds.  They are the strangest animals I have ever seen.  In order to see them you much go into an extremely dark room (they're nocturnal), and you aren't allowed to speak (they're very nervous).  Once my eyes adjusted to the dark, I realized that these two football sized freakish looking birds were standing directly in front of me (behind glass, obviously).  They move in a very odd way, not at all like an emu or ostrich.  They are also considerably larger than I thought they were; I assumed they were no bigger than a robin, but as I mentioned they are quite large (chicken size if not bigger).  If you ever get a chance to see one of these in person, take it.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

i would have pictured them as the size of a kiwi...i don't know why :|