Friday, March 7, 2008


Random business going on.

For the last twenty four hours or so I've lost my sense of balance.  It feels like I'm all over the place, all wobbly and whatnot.  Very strange, and very annoying.

My left ankle has got to go.  It's coming up on the first anniversary of me ruining it at the lovely Charlottetown park.  It healed up to....90%ish of it's 'full capacity' after about six months or so, but it's not felt any better since then.  It's not like it's ruining my life by any means, it's just quite annoying.  It randomly pops, clicks, and locks depending on what position it's in and what I've been doing.  If even remotely tweaked from side to side, or if it experiences a bit of a jar from riding (doesn't take much), it quickly decides it hates me and swells up like a blister on a lumberjacks hand.  I've pretty much given up all hope of regaining my full range of movement in it, as if I try to stretch it beyond where it wants to go, it just aggravates it further.  I want  a new one, ASAP.

The weather here has been strange lately.  Since the summer here was so dry, all the foliage had either died, or stopped growing entirely.  If you can recall, my photos of the Port Hills show plenty of golden 'grass', but not a green blade in sight.  Now that fall here has begun it's been raining more frequently and the local foliage is growing again, and the hills are becoming more green by the day.  It feels like spring, sort of.

The people at work call break time 'smoke-o', which is just plain funny.

I think that's all for now...I'll edit/post again if anything else should pop into my head.


flanjam said...

"swells up like a blister on a lumberjacks hand." ....?

Unknown said...

Replica Rolex Watches are especially useful when you run in an area you are not familiar with. The GPS tracks your every turn in the city or woods during your workout. If you become confused just follow the plotted map back the way you came.