Saturday, March 1, 2008


Bad mood tonight.  I just got home from the lamest excuse for 'going out' that I've ever experienced.  I suppose some people like to go to bars and not do much, but if I'm going to 'go out' there has to be either a good conversation/discussion going on, or some sweet dancing.  Neither happened tonight, so I'm less than pleased.  As I stood in Sol Square tonight, I started to think about a topic that encroaches on my thoughts quite often; I hated the vast majority of people.  I don't hate everyone, and I can have a good time with lots of different types of people.  But to find someone who I can thoroughly enjoy being with more than fifty percent of the time is an almost impossible task for me.  I think this is due to my strange mixture in personality/preferences; I like to make stupid jokes, goof around, go dancing all night, and ride my little kids bike, but I also like to read, talk to people about topics that I enjoy (philosophy, humanism, sociological goings on, etc), and most important of all, I like to learn.  This means that I don't really fit in with the crowd that just wants to have 'fun' all the time (their definition of fun; i.e. goofing around), but nor do I fit in with the 'nerdier' crowd who would prefer to spend all of their time on the academic aspects of life.  It's a combination between the two that is difficult to find.


flanjam said...

So come back to your ridiculously immature, university/college attending,and kids bike riding friends at home. Also, get the song Flaunt It by TV Rock. It's a Pat song for sure.

This is life said...

Stevie my boy, it won't be long now until we're chilling at late night.

Anonymous said...

Fuck yes! Late Night!

I can't wait.