Saturday, February 9, 2008


I was just lying in bed, and I could hear a few (drunken) people stumbling  home from a Saturday night out as I thought about how little respect I have for so many people.  I'm not really sure where it came from, but I have virtually no respect for so many people; I would go as far as saying that I loathe them.  It is almost all comes down to knowledge and education.  I know that I am not, nor will I ever be, the smartest person, but when confronted with people who have very little knowledge about the world, and subjects which seem to me should be common knowledge I have no patience.  Last night at a friends apartment the topic of the creation/existence of the Universe came up.  While normally I love conversations of this type, it was only a matter of moments before I spaced out, completely giving up on anything worthwhile coming from the discussion.  People were spouting out theories that didn't make any sense, were hypocritical and just plain ran in the face of all scientific theories.  I know there is quite limited knowledge about the Universe's creation (or even if it was ever created at all - see the cyclical expanding-collapsing theories), but I think it should be common knowledge that in the face of potentially viable theories using all existing information, it is beyond reasonable doubt to disagree with said theories without some kind of alternate evidence/viable theory.  I'm not saying that people shouldn't look for alternate possibilities in almost all circumstances, but to disagree without reason is beyond reasonable doubt.  What I'm trying to say with this side-story is that I find it almost impossible to take someone seriously in any area when they don't know what they're talking about when spewing out seemingly 'proven' ideas or when they lack general knowledge.  I see so many of people like this and I view them as a complete waste of space/time/money and a burden on the world.  

This brings me to not seeing people as equals.  I think it's completely unreasonable to believe that all people are equal, or should be treated equally.  It's absurd to believe that every single member of a species is equal with its 6.5ish billion counterparts.  That completely flies in the face of evolutionary theory.  And to go along with this, I don't believe that everyone should be treated equally.  I'm not saying cage certain people up and treat them like animals (animals are an entirely different story...), but to accept all peoples' opinions as equal is ridiculous, dangerous, and counter productive.  For example, accepting each citizen's vote as equal to one another makes no sense.  If one person votes for the first name on the ballot, and another votes using their discretion about the policies of each candidate, is it not absurd to consider these two votes as equal?  

I could go on and on about these topics, among others, but I'm going to try to get to sleep now.

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