Saturday, January 16, 2010

Stuck in Bali

Well I tried to fly to Australia a few days ago, only to find out my passport had gone missing. After several trips to the Australian Consulate (Canada's embassy is in Jakarta), I got all my paper work sent out and should have a new passport this Friday (I hope). I'm now staying at Peter Jansons (owner of The Dunes) villa just north of Kuta - this place is incredible. It was incredibly kind of Peter to let me stay here, and it's a huge benefit financially. I'm dying from the heat here, so I can't wait to get to the slightly cooler Aus. Indonesia has been a pretty amazing place, and the locals are ridiculously friendly (their favorite saying is "if you happy, me happy"), so I highly recommend you come here if you have the opportunity.


Carolyn said...

Glad to hear that you are alive and not in a Bali prison somewhere! Hope that you are able to get everything together and get a new passport very soon. Glad that you have a nice place to stay- Mom and Dad will be trilled!


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